Countering Chinese Influence: Papua New Guinea and US to Sign Security Pact for Enhanced Cooperation


Countering Chinese Influence: Papua New Guinea and US to Sign Security Pact for Enhanced Cooperation
US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken arrived in Port Moresby, PNG to sign Security Pact
Image Credit: Google

Salman Wazir

Papua New Guinea is hosting top Diplomats from United States and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, a strategic partner of Washington in its efforts to contain China. 

The President of United States, Joe Biden was supposed to visit Port Moresby this week after attending G-7 summit but he has shortened his Asian visits due to Debt Ceiling issue America is expected to face in June this year.

Now, the Secretary of US State Department Antony Blinken has arrived in PNG to lead the delegation.

Blinken will sign a Defense Cooperation Agreement between PNG and United States.

The Prime Minister of PNG James Marape has said in a statement that the agreement would help us to face significant challenges.

He also added that we have multiple internal security and sovereignty issues. So, the step is to ensure security at the borders.

The Agreement aims at:

  • Strengthening of Bilateral relations between the two countries
  • Enhancement of Security Cooperation
  • Improvement of Capacity for PNG Defense Force
  • Increasing Stability and Security in the Region
  • Provision PNG with an access to US Satellite Surveillance to monitor and fight illegal activities on high sea.

Protests at several university campuses against the agreement were also reported, particularly in the Lae, which is second largest city of PNG. The protesters were of the view that deal is going affect relations with an important trading partner China.

Observers also feared the militarization of Pacific after China has also sealed security agreement with Solomon Islands last year in April.

The China-Solomon Security Pact 2022 entailed:

  • Boosting National Security Capacity of Solomon Islands
  • Cooperation on Humanitarian Assistance
  • Cooperation in Disaster Response
  • Help to Maintain Social Order
  • Making Ship visits to carry out logistical replacement
  • Sending Chinese forces for safety of Chinese Personals involved in several projects in the country.

Strategic Importance of Papua New Guinea (PNG):

PNG is an Island Nation, having strategic maritime position. It is rich in natural resources and a biodiversity hotspot.

It entails various trade and economic opportunities because it provides various major shipping routes of the region.

PNG is strategically located at trade routes to Australia and Japan. It has geographical proximity with Australia, shares maritime border with it. It’s province of Papua is closer to Indonesia.

Due to regional competition and various security and military and interest its importance has been increased.

US and India are concerned about it because China is also trying to have strategic depth in the region.

Countering Chinese Influence: Papua New Guinea and US to Sign Security Pact for Enhanced Cooperation
Modi arrived in PNG to meet Pacific Leaders
Image Credit: Google

Indian Premier is also Visiting PNG:

Narendra Modi has also arrived in Port Moresby to meet 14 leaders of the Forum for Indo-Pacific Islands Cooperation. He will be followed by the Antony Blinken in his visit.

India is ambitious to have influence in the region. The intent of the visit is to address difficulties caused by;

  • Supply Chain Disruption
  • Climate Change

Courtesy: Al-Jazeera. RTL Today, Council on Foreign Relations

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