International Community Condemns Apparent Coup in Niger


International Community Condemns Apparent Coup in Niger
Niger People are Protesting in favor of President Bazoum
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International Community Condemns Apparent Coup in Niger

The international community, including the United States, France, and the United Nations, has strongly condemned the apparent military takeover in Niger. 

Soldiers in fatigues appeared on national television to announce the removal of President Mohamed Bazoum's government, following the detention of the president by members of Niger's presidential guard. 

However, the situation remains uncertain, as it is unclear where President Bazoum was at the time of the announcement, and his resignation status remains unknown. 

Here's how world leaders have responded to the crisis: 

United States:

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken called for the immediate release of President Mohamed Bazoum, emphasizing that Washington condemns any attempts to seize power by force. 

Blinken reaffirmed the United States' strong support for Bazoum as the democratically elected president of Niger. 

He stated that the US is actively engaged with the Nigerien government and regional partners to resolve the situation appropriately and peacefully. 

United Nations:

UN Secretary-General, in response to the unfolding events in Niger, strongly condemned the "unconstitutional change in government" and expressed deep concern over President Bazoum's detention by members of his presidential guard. 

The Secretary-General called for an immediate end to all actions that undermine democratic principles in Niger. 


French Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna joined the international chorus of condemnation, expressing strong disapproval of any attempt to seize power by force. 

France, a country with historical ties to the region, joined regional bodies in calling for the restoration of Niger's democratic institutions' integrity. 

The African Union (AU) and the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) have also spoken out against the detention of President Bazoum and denounced any attempts to topple Niger's government. 

Both regional bodies emphasized their commitment to upholding democratic governance in the country. 


The apparent coup in Niger has raised concerns among the international community, given the country's strategic importance in the region and its role in countering terrorism and irregular migration. 

The situation in Niger adds to the ongoing instability in the West and Central Africa region, where several countries have experienced military coups in recent years. 

The responses from the United States, France, and the United Nations reflect a shared commitment to democratic values and the rejection of any actions that threaten the rule of law and governance by force. 

The international community's calls for the immediate release of President Bazoum and the restoration of democratic principles underscore the importance of preserving stability and peace in Niger and the broader region. 

As the situation unfolds, diplomatic efforts will be crucial in finding a peaceful resolution to the crisis. 

Dialogue and engagement with all relevant stakeholders, both within Niger and from the international community, will be essential in restoring constitutional order and ensuring a peaceful transition of power, if applicable. 

The events in Niger serve as a reminder of the challenges faced by countries in the Sahel region, where security concerns, political instability, and economic hardships persist. 

Addressing the root causes of these challenges will require concerted efforts from both national and international actors to support sustainable development, strengthen democratic institutions, and promote peace and security. 

In conclusion, the international condemnation of the apparent coup in Niger sends a clear message that the world stands united in support of democratic governance and the rule of law. 

The focus now lies on finding a peaceful resolution to the crisis and working together to ensure a stable and prosperous future for Niger and its people.

(Courtesy: Al-Jazeera)

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