SCO Summit 2023: Understanding the Significance of Shanghai Cooperation Organization

SCO Summit 2023: Understanding the Significance of Shanghai Cooperation Organization
SCO Virtual Summit 2023
Image Credit: Google

Adil Javed

The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) recently held a virtual summit hosted by India.

The summit drew the participation of world leaders, including Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping.

This has also marked Vladmir Putin's first appearance at an international event since the short-lived rebellion staged by Wagner chief Yevgeny Prigozhin in June.

Shanghai Cooperation Organization represents a complex web of alliances, regional states with rivalries, and holds greater political significance in world politics, amidst recent events in Russia and the ongoing war in Ukraine.

How Many Members are in SCO?

The SCO is a trade and security bloc that was founded in 2001 and currently includes as full members China, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. Iran has joined as the 9th member from 4th of July, 2023. 

How SCO Can Ensure Regional Cooperation?

The SCO is an intergovernmental organisation that offers Eurasian nations believing in a multipolar world a chance to balance their interests amid growing global geopolitical tensions.

With full members including India, Kazakhstan, China, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Pakistan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan, the SCO holds geographical and economic significance.

SCO is home to approximately 40% of the world's population while it contributes around 30% of global GDP.

What are the aims of SCO particularly in 2023?

The recent SCO summit focused on:

  • Security and economic cooperation,
  • Combating Terrorism,
  • Drug Trafficking,
  • Addressing Climate Change, and
  • Discussing the situation in Afghanistan.

Prime Minister Modi emphasized the SCO's role as a platform for peace, prosperity, and development in the Asian region.

SCO's View on the Ukraine Conflict

The SCO countries have refrained from openly criticizing Russia since its invasion of Ukraine in 2022.

China has maintained close diplomatic ties with Russia, ramping up trade while remaining politically ambivalent towards the war.

India has sought to strike a delicate balance by increasing its purchases of discounted Russian oil, maintaining high-level contacts, and abstaining from voting on UN resolutions condemning the war.

Iran has actively supported Russia, signing military deals to seek new economic lifelines.

What are the issues of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization?

Despite its unity on some fronts, the SCO faces tensions among its members.

China and India have experienced a prolonged border standoff, while India and Pakistan continue to have strained relations.

Kazakhstan has shown signs of pivoting away from Russia that has lead tensions between the two nations.

Nevertheless, the SCO provides a platform for dialogue and cooperation among nations with diverse interests.

Pakistani PM’s Address at the Summit

During the SCO virtual summit, Pakistan's Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif called for condemning terrorism in "clear and unambiguous terms."

He emphasized the shared interest of SCO member states in ensuring peace, stability, and economic development in the region.

Prime Minister Shehbaz also highlighted the critical role of stability in Afghanistan and urged meaningful engagement with the interim Afghan government.

Call for Promoting Fundamental Rights, Peace, and Stability

Prime Minister Shehbaz emphasized the importance of guaranteeing fundamental rights and freedoms for all, including those "under occupation."

He called for opposing divisive policies based on prejudice and discrimination, particularly Islamophobia.

Prime Minister Shehbaz emphasized the observance of UN principles, such as sovereignty, territorial integrity, and the people's right to self-determination, to resolve long-standing disputes in the region.

What is the Role of SCO in Geopolitics?

The SCO members gathered at a critical juncture, facing important developments in the socio-economic and security spheres.

The SCO, with its fundamental values rooted in the Shanghai spirit, provides stability, security, peace, and progress.

Projects like the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), plays a defining role in the in the region and the globe includes:

  • Regional Connectivity
  • Modern Global Economy,
  • Fostering Peace and prosperity, and
  • Regional Trade.

Conclusive Views:

The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) serves as a vital platform for regional cooperation, uniting nations with diverse interests and promoting peace, stability, and economic development.

Despite tensions among members, the SCO has become a beacon of stability in an era of geopolitical flux.

It remains a significant force in shaping regional dynamics and fostering dialogue among nations, highlighting the importance of multilateralism in addressing global challenges.

(Courtesy: Dawn. Al-Jazeera, Reuters)

Also Read: Pakistan's Engagement with Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO)

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