Ethiopia declares state of emergency after clashes in Amhara region

Ethiopia declares state of emergency after clashes in Amhara region
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The Ethiopian government has imposed a state of emergency in the Amhara region after clashes between the military and local armed fighters. The state of emergency gives the government sweeping powers to restore order, including the ability to impose curfews, restrict movement, and detain people without charge

The federal government of Ethiopia has declared state of emergency on Friday, 4th of August. The emergency is followed by  the clashes in the Amhara region between the military and local armed fighters.

It was found necessary to declare a state of emergency as it had become difficult to control this outrageous activity based on the regular legal system,” a statement by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s office said. The statement was quoted by Al-Jazeera.

However, the decision has not clarified whether the restrictions applied only in Amhara region or to the whole the country.

About the Clashes

It was reported that fighting broke out across Ethiopia’s second most populous region Amhara earlier this week.

The fighting took place between the Fano militia and the Ethiopian National Defense Force (ENDF). Sooner it transformed into quick security crisis.

Fano, which is a part-time militia while having no formal command and control structure, backed federal troops in a two-year civil war in the neighbouring Tigray region.

The said civil war ended with a truce last November between a warring factions.

However, the relationship between them has soured over what some in the region say is a disregard by the national government for Amhara’s security.

Fano fighters and ENDF troops clashed near Debre Tabor on Tuesday and Wednesday,” a doctor at a hospital in the town and a police officer told Reuters news agency which was subsequently quoted by Al-Jazeera.

Both the persons who reported this requested not to be named for security reasons.

The doctor said the hospital had received three people with serious injuries and 10 with minor injuries, including wounds from gunshots and heavy weapons.

The fighting continued today on the outskirts of town,” the doctor said, adding the road into Debre Tabor was closed. 

                Those who were injured are coming by foot.”

There was also fighting outside the town of Kobo early Tuesday morning, but the situation was calm on Wednesday, two Kobo residents told Reuters that was quoted by Al-Jazeera.

A diplomatic source, speaking to Reuters on condition of anonymity, said fighting broke out several days ago when the military launched an operation to force Fano fighters out of Kobo and other areas.

On Thursday, Government of Amhara requested additional help from federal authorities to reimpose law and order to prevent further chaos.

In a letter to Ethiopian prime minister in which the said matter brought into notice, the regional authorities notified the government to take “appropriate measures” that the disturbances were “causing serious economic, social and humanitarian damage”.

The State of Emergency

The state of emergency allows, among other things:

  •  For roadblocks to be established,
  • Transport services to be disrupted,
  • Curfews to be imposed, and
  • For the military to take over in certain areas.

Furthermore, according to the residents, mobile and internet services remained down in the region.

Ethiopian Airlines had cancelled flights to three of the four airports it flies to in Amhara, Al-Jazeera quoted an airline spokesperson told Reuters news agency.

(Courtesy: Al-Jazeera, Reuters)

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