Hamas-Israel War: Latest Updates


American President, Joe Biden spoke just minutes earlier, where he has confirmed that numbers of dead Americans. According to the reports, 11 Americans have been killed during the Hamas Attack in Israel.

Biden described it a no distant tragedy and there may be Americans still there, who have been taken into Gaza over what happened 24 hours earlier.

Biden said, we are working closely at all levels of government with the Israelis. He will give them a reason to defend themselves. He again condemned terrorism in every form.

Israel has mobilized its military to seize Gaza. The food chains, fuel and electricity are not available. 

According to Al-Jazeera, Biden has said that the US aircraft carrier strike group is travelling to Eastern Mediterranean to support Israel.

Here are some more specific ways in which the US aircraft carrier strike group could support Israel militarily in the Eastern Mediterranean:

  • Air strikes: The strike group's carrier-based aircraft could carry out airstrikes against Hamas targets in Gaza. This could include rocket launch sites, command and control centers, and weapons storage facilities.
  • Close air support: The strike group's aircraft could also provide close air support to Israeli ground forces operating in Gaza. This could involve bombing targets ahead of Israeli troops or providing air cover for Israeli convoys.
  • Missile defense: The strike group's warships could provide missile defense for Israel against rocket attacks from Gaza. This could involve using their own missile defense systems or providing early warning of incoming rocket launches.
  • Blockade: The strike group's warships could also help to enforce a blockade on Gaza, preventing Hamas from receiving weapons and other supplies.

In addition to these direct military actions, the US aircraft carrier strike group could also provide Israel with a number of other indirect benefits:

  • Deterrence: The presence of a US carrier strike group in the Eastern Mediterranean could deter Hamas from launching further attacks against Israel.
  • Reassurance: The presence of a US carrier strike group could also reassure Israel that it has the support of the United States in the event of conflict.
  • Intelligence sharing: The US and Israel have a close intelligence-sharing relationship. The US aircraft carrier strike group could provide Israel with additional intelligence on Hamas positions and movements.
  • Logistical support: The US aircraft carrier strike group could provide Israel with logistical support, such as refueling and rearming its aircraft. This would allow Israel to maintain a high level of operational readiness.

Overall, the US aircraft carrier strike group could provide Israel with a significant military advantage in the event of further conflict. However, it is important to note that the US has not yet committed to providing any specific military assistance to Israel.

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