Ukraine's Inclusion in EU: Expectations from the European Leaders' Talks


Ukraine's Inclusion in EU: Expectations from the European Leaders' Talks
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"Western EU Leaders are publicly Supporting Ukraine against its War with Russia while privately they are worried about the cost." Al-Jazeera

European leaders are gathered to discuss the Ukrainian inclusion in EU. President of EU and some members are happy to welcome Ukraine but others are privately less enthusiastic about the inclusion due to high cost of the war.

Let us discuss the reality and what the are the difficulties for Ukraine to become member of EU:

There has been plenty of financial and military in Europe for Ukraine last year since the Russia has invaded. This was seen as battleground between East and the West. But Kyiv is looking for a support on another front as well.

A country that was aspirant to join Soviet Union in the past is now eager to join EU. EU shares economic, trade, travel and employment interests of the member states.

European Commission President, Ursula Von Der Leyen has expressed its willingness to include Ukraine but to make it possible does not seems to simple as there is less enthusiasm among the other members.

There are concerns about the cost of the war as well as corruption in Ukraine. It also raise another question that how an enlarge EU would function in the future.

According to Sonia Gallego from Granada, Spain, first day on the arrival of the Ukrainian President Vladmir Zelensky, gives a sign that Ukraine issue will be the central point of the talks among EU leaders along the multiples issues like security and migration that the EU is facing. .

Along the issue of enlargement of EU, there is another of agriculture while Ukraine is majorly an agricultural state that has the capacity of heavy production of food. Discussing the agricultural policy of EU will be on the agenda.

 (Courtesy: Al-Jazeera)

European Unity and Ukraine's Aspiration: Balancing Act for EU Expansion

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