Time to Rethink US Diplomacy: Few Lesson from China

Time to Rethink US Diplomacy: Few Lesson from China
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CHINA is playing a significant role in promoting peace and stability across the world. Unlike the aggressive policies of other super powers, China prefers to make a strategy of reconciliation and appeasement.

The recent China-brokered Saudi-Iran accord is a testament and tremendous diplomatic achievement for China and for global peace because the deal enabled the two regional adversaries to restore diplomatic ties that were severed in 2016 following the execution of Shia cleric Nimr-Al-Nimr by the Saudi government and subsequent attack in Tehran at Saudi Embassy.

President Xi`s visit to Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and his meeting with the top Saudi leadership as well as Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi`s visit to Beijing, broke the ice and eventually there was an agreement on signing the landmark deal to restore relations between the two countries. In addition, Beijing seems serious in pursuit of bringing the Russia-Ukraine war to an end diplomatically.

The recent summit in Moscow between Chinese and Russian Leadership was a serious attempt to resolve the issue peacefully and without any further loss. Diplomatic experts are quite hopeful in this regard.

China`s another recent diplomatic success is bringing Honduras, a central American state, to its fold. Honduras has cut off diplomatic ties with Taiwan.

The proximity between China and Honduras is a wake-up call for the Biden administration`s belligerent foreign policy in the world.

Similarly, Saudi Arabia joins as a dialogue partner in the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) which is another major development and unprecedented diplomatic success for China. It represents Riyadh`s priority shift in building a long-term partnership with Beijing and other Asian countries despite US concerns.

Keeping in view the successful Chinese diplomatic policy maneuvers  across the world, now it is time for US to rethink its policy of aggression, particularly towards majority of the Asian Countries and to make it more cooperative, consultative and diplomatic.

(Courtesy: Dawn.com and Guldar Ali Khan Wazir)

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