Devastating Impact of Climate Change: 2 Million Deaths in 50 Years, with the Poor Bearing the Brunt, UN Report Reveals


Devastating Impact of Climate Change: 2 Million Deaths in 50 Years, with the Poor Bearing the Brunt, UN Report Reveals
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United Nations’ World Meteorological Organization (WMO) issued a report on Monday, 22nd of May, 2023 claiming that the extreme weathers due to climate change and global warming has cause 2 million deaths and an economics losses amounting $4.3 trillion over the past half Century.

According to the report, about 11,778 climate related disasters have occurred from 1970 to 2021, and there are more in proportion from 2021 onward till date.

About 90 percent of these natural calamities took place in the developing world, particularly in climate vulnerable countries.

Devastating Impact of Climate Change: 2 Million Deaths in 50 Years, with the Poor Bearing the Brunt, UN Report Reveals
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The WMO’s Chief Petteri Taalas statement in the press brief:

He said, “The most vulnerable communities unfortunately bear the brunt of weather, climate and water-related hazards,”

“Cyclone Mocha, which wreaked havoc in Myanmar and Bangladesh last week, exemplified this reality.” The severe storm “caused widespread devastation, … impacting the poorest of the poor,” he added.

Taalas also pointed that in the similar climate disasters like Mocha, Myanmar and Bangladesh suffered death toll of hundreds of thousands of people.

He forgot to mention Pakistan which is amongst the top 6th most climate vulnerable countries about its recent and past causalities due to floods.

According to WMO, the report issued in 2021 covering data and losses related to climate disasters from 1970 to 2019 listed 50,000 climate related deaths annually.

The fresh report has observed a death toll dropped by 20,000 from 2010 onward due to climate control and technological advancements.

And in its update of that report, the WMO said that 22,608 disaster deaths were recorded globally in 2020 and 2021 combined.

“Thanks to early warnings and disaster management these catastrophic mortality rates are now thankfully history,” the report said. “Early warnings save lives.”

It was also added by Al-Jazeera that the UN has launched a plan to ensure all nations are covered by disaster early warning systems by the end of 2027. To date, only half of the world’s countries have such systems in place.

Economics Losses due to Climate Change Disasters:

The Report published by WMO also reported economic losses incurred due to environmental disasters like floods, heat waves, rising sea levels, global warming, and extreme weathers.

The WMO previously recorded economic losses had increased seven times from 1970 to 2019, a raise from $49 million per day during the first decade to $383 million per day in the final one.

Wealthy counties have been hardest hit by far in monetary terms. The had spent more on climate control, advancement in technology and climate polices.

Developed nations accounted for more than 60 percent of losses due to climate calamities and disasters but in more cases the economic losses for each disaster were equivalent to less than 0.1 percent of their GDP.

Courtesy: Al-Jazeera


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