Developing Nations pose Challenge for US in its Standoff over Ukraine Issue: Pentagon Leaks


Developing Nations pose Challenge for US in its Standoff over Ukraine Issue: Pentagon Leaks
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A fresh leak of American secret documents, majorly through Discord Messaging Platform raised serious points of concern for US in its intensifying standoff with Russia and China where majority of the developing states are either taking benefit of the rivalry or changing their allegiances. This mainly includes India, Brazil, Pakistan and Egypt, the Washington post reported.

These leaked documents provide a new insight to the obstacles US administration facing in securing global support on major political, economic and security issues. Currently, the main agenda for President Biden is to contain Russian aggression and counter China’s growing influence.


According to Washington Post, The White House did not responded on the leaks but documents were briefed to the top leadership in Defense Department.


It quoted Matias Spektor, a scholar at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, as saying that growing economies are recalibrating at a time when US is facing fresh competition where China is posing new economics and military challenges while Russia is ready to deflect Western pressure for its invasion of Ukraine.

The leaked documents further revealed some points for US concern to be discussed categorically.




According to one of the leaked documents, Pakistan’s Minister of state, Hina Rabbani Khar was allegedly argued that the “country can no longer maintain balance between China and United States.”


The Washington post also reported that in an internal memo titled “Pakistan’s Difficult Choices,” she cautioned that Pakistan should avoid policy of appeasement to the West. This can undermine taking full benefits from Chinese strategic partnership.

Another document that quoted Pakistan’s PM Shehbaz Sharif’s discussion with his aide over the upcoming vote in UN on Ukrainian conflict condemning Russian aggression, Western Pressure if not to vote in favor of Ukraine, and how Western backed resolution could jeopardize potential energy deals with Russia.

Pakistan was among thirty two states that abstained when the UN General Assembly voted.

However, Pakistani official declined to comment like White House.


South Africa:


South Africa who had held military exercises with Russia told the Blinken by the officials on his last year visit on the matter of request made by International Criminal Court for Putin’s arrest if he visit during summit that they would not bully in decision that don’t suit them.  




Indian National Security Advisor Ajit Doval recorded to avoid taking sides between US and Russia during conversations with his Russian counterpart, Nikolay Patrushev.

In another leaked document, Ajit Doval assured Nikolay Patrushev of its support in multilateral venues and the matter of war would not come up during Group of 20 meeting, to be chaired by India at that time. During the conversation, Doval also allegedly cited India’s resistance of the Western pressure on the resolution over Ukraine by clarifying the India will stand by its position taken in the past.   


Central Asian Nations:


Central Asian nations are reportedly looking to exploit this rivalry and capitalize their interests from United States, Russia and China. They are seeking to lessen their dependence on Russia, the document reported but Washington Post indicated about Kazakhstan.

In addition, Countries in the region are seeking the suitable offer, that is China for now. the leaked document disclosed.


Global South (Parts of Asia, Africa and Latin America):


Countries in the regions are considering themselves as bridge among the three rival Powers. Like Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva proposed to stand for “peace bloc” to mediate China and US and to broker deal between Ukraine and Russia, according to the leaked document.


However, the statement made by Brazilian President severed its relations with NATO in which it has blamed it for prolonging the Ukraine conflict by supplying weapons.  


After his visit from China, Lula hosted Russian Foreign Minister at his capital, where it was pledge that Russia will support Lula’s plan. According to the leak, Lula was also welcomed by two Warships, Makran and Dena, from Iran at a port in Rio de Janeiro.


Argentine President, Fernandez move forward to operationalize a new Late American Alliance including Argentina, Mexico, and Brazil for negotiations with US, China and EU, the leaked document reported.




The secret leaked documents reported that Egypt is attempting to navigate the standoff over Ukraine and parry demands for military aid from both Kremlin and White House. The Washington Post reported.

(Courtesy: Washington Post)




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