Asia-Pacific Region: Second Close Encounter between US and Chinese Militaries in Taiwan Strait


Asia-Pacific Region: Second Close Encounter between US and Chinese Militaries in Taiwan Strait
US Indo-Pacific command says a Chinese navy ship executed ‘unsafe’ manoeuvres near an American destroyer in the Taiwan Strait.
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The United States has accused the Chinese navy of engaging in "unsafe" maneuvers near an American destroyer during its transit through the sensitive Taiwan Strait.

This incident marks the second close encounter between the American and Chinese militaries in the Asia-Pacific region within a span of fewer than 10 days.

Unsafe Maneuvers by Chinese Ship:

The US Indo-Pacific Command stated that the Chinese ship executed unsafe maneuvers in close proximity to the American destroyer, Chung-Hoon, during its transit through the Taiwan Strait.

The Chinese ship overtook Chung-Hoon on the port side and crossed its bow at a distance of 150 yards (137 meters). Chung-Hoon altered its course and reduced its speed to avoid a collision.

The Chinese ship then crossed Chung-Hoon's bow for a second time, from starboard to port, at a distance of 2,000 yards (1,828 meters), remaining off Chung-Hoon's port bow and coming within 150 yards at the closest point.

US Response and Commitment to International Law:

The US military emphasized its commitment to safe and responsible operations in accordance with international law.

It reiterated that it has the right to fly, sail, and operate anywhere international law allows.

Joint US-Canada Mission:

The incident occurred as the American destroyer Chung-Hoon sailed through the Taiwan Strait alongside a Canadian warship, marking a rare joint mission through the narrow waterway that separates Taiwan from China.

The two ships sailed in a northerly direction, and Taiwan's defense ministry noted that it observed nothing unusual during the passage.

Chinese Military's Response:

The Chinese military acknowledged monitoring the passage of the US and Canadian warships but made no mention of the close encounter.

However, it accused the countries involved of deliberately creating incidents, provoking risks, undermining regional peace and stability, and sending wrong signals to the "Taiwan independence" forces.

Background of Tensions in the Taiwan Strait:

  • China claims Taiwan as its territory and has increased military and political pressure on the self-ruled island in recent years.
  • Beijing has pledged to reunify Taiwan with the mainland, even if it requires the use of force.
  • The frequent sailing of US warships through the Taiwan Strait is seen as a demonstration of support for Taiwan by the United States.

Previous Incident and Chinese Reaction:

Prior to the Taiwan Strait ship encounter, the US military reported a risky maneuver by a Chinese jet on May 26.

The Chinese jet flew directly in front of and within 400 feet of the nose of an RC-135 surveillance plane over the South China Sea.

Beijing blamed the US for provocation, citing the frequent surveillance activities as a threat to China's national sovereignty and security.

Conclusive Remarks:

The recent incident in the Taiwan Strait further escalates tensions between the United States and China in the Asia-Pacific region.

Both sides have presented contrasting accounts of the events, underscoring the complexities and sensitivities surrounding the Taiwan issue.

(Courtesy: Al-Jazeera)

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