Chinese Defence Minister Urges Dialogue over Confrontation with US: Shangri-La Dialogue 2023


Chinese Defence Minister Urges Dialogue over Confrontation with US: Shangri-La Dialogue 2023
Defense Minister of China Li Shangfu
Image Credit: Google

The Defense Minister of China Li Shangfu, in his first significant address at an international platform since assuming office in March, emphasized the importance of dialogue over confrontation between China and the United States.

The Shangri-La Dialogue-2023 is a top security summit held in Asia annually. It welcomes the security and defense analysts, key stakeholders, and office bearers from across the world.

During the session of this Dialogue, Li highlighted the potential disastrous consequences a conflict between China and US. This has the capacity of not only disturbing the two states but to the world at large.

 Despite strained relations over various issues, including Taiwan and territorial disputes in the South China Sea, Li stressed the need for seeking common ground and deepening bilateral cooperation.

China and the US: Different Systems, Common Interests:

Li admitted the differences in systems and various other aspects between China and the United States.

However, he emphasized that these differences should not hinder the two sides from finding common ground and pursuing mutual interests.

According to Li, “the world is big enough for US and China to grow together.”

Warning of Unbearable Disaster:

The Defence Minister expressed his concerns over a severe conflict or confrontation between the Washington and Beijing. He warned that it would lead to an unbearable disaster for the world.

Li's statement reflects the gravity of the situation and the potential global implications of a major escalation between the two superpowers.

Strained Ties fuelled by Recent Incidents:

The article published by Al-Jazeera mentions that tensions between Washington and Beijing have escalated due to various following issues, including:

  • Question of Taiwan,
  • Territorial disputes,
  • US restrictions on semiconductor chip exports.
  • The US military accused the Chinese navy of unsafe manoeuvres near a US destroyer in the Taiwan Strait,
  • While Beijing accused Washington of provoking risks and supporting "pro-independence forces" in Taipei.

Seeking Better Mechanisms for Crisis Management:

US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, also present at the summit, expressed deep concern over China's unwillingness to engage in more serious military talks.

Austin stressed the importance of dialogue in avoiding misunderstandings and miscalculations that could potentially lead to crises or conflicts.

The Secretary also reiterated the US commitment to preserving the status quo in Taiwan.

China's Commitment to Peaceful Development:

Li asserted China's commitment to peaceful development while warning against interference in its internal affairs.

He accused "some countries" of meddling in China's internal affairs by providing defense support to Taiwan and conducting high-level diplomatic visits.

Li stated that while China remains committed to peaceful development, it will not hesitate to defend its legitimate rights and interests.

Concerns over Arms Race and Military Alliances:

The Chinese Defence Minister criticized the intensification of an arms race by "some countries" and warned against the establishment of NATO-like military alliances in the Asia Pacific.

He cautioned that such alliances would only create a whirlpool of disputes and conflicts, further mentioning the resurgence of a Cold War mentality.

The article suggested that Li's statements were directed at the US, highlighting its strengthening of regional alliances and partnerships.

China's Perception of Encirclement:

Analysts in China believe that the US is encircling China with its military assets, which has further increased tensions.

They mention the strategic locations surrounding China's sea lanes of communication, including the first and second island chains, and military chokepoints in Singapore.

These factors contribute to Beijing's defensive stance and the importance it places on maintaining channels of communication.

Conclusive Flashpoints:

  • While tensions between China and the US continue to escalate, Defence Minister Li Shangfu stressed the significance of dialogue and cooperation to avoid a disastrous conflict.
  • He acknowledged the differences between the two nations but emphasized the need for seeking common ground and mutual interests.
  • Li's speech also addressed concerns over regional alliances, interference in China's internal affairs, and the potential consequences of a Cold War mentality.
  • China feels encircled by the US, leading to an emphasis on defensive measures and the maintenance of communication channels.

(Courtesy: Al-Jazeera)

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