US-India Relations Amid Concerns over Human Rights and Growing China Influence

US-India Relations Amid Concerns over Human Rights and Growing China Influence
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The upcoming official visit of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to the United States has sparked debate regarding the Biden administration's stance on human rights.

While the White House plans to host a state dinner to honor Modi, human rights groups argue that this undermines the Biden administration's commitment to emphasizing human rights and democracy in its foreign policy.

The US-India relationship has been growing as both countries share concerns about China's expanding influence.

This article examines the evolving dynamics between the US and India, the significance of the visit, and the challenges posed by India's human rights record.

US-India Ties and Shared Concerns:

The US-India relationship has witnessed significant progress, especially as the two countries seek to counterbalance China's growing power.

The Biden administration's focus on countering China has led to increased cooperation with India, despite concerns raised by human rights organizations.

Experts argue that the US prioritizes its interests in foreign policy rather than emphasizing democracy and human rights.

China's assertiveness in the region has heightened concerns among neighboring Asian countries, including India, leading to closer ties between the US and these nations.

India's Historical Role and Balancing Act:

During the Cold War, India maintained close ties with the USSR and pursued a non-aligned foreign policy.

However, as China's rise became a global concern, India emerged as a potential regional ally for the US.

Despite improving relations with the US, India has managed to maintain a balancing act, avoiding a binary choice between the US and Russia.

However, Russia's actions in Ukraine and US efforts to isolate Moscow have created challenges for India's balancing act, particularly in terms of arms purchases and energy cooperation.

India's Human Rights Concerns:

Critics argue that the celebratory state dinner for Prime Minister Modi disregards India's human rights issues under his leadership.

Modi's government has been accused of promoting Hindu nationalism, resulting in increased violence and repression against religious minorities.

Human rights groups have called for greater scrutiny of India's human rights record, highlighting concerns about religious freedom and journalistic expression.

Despite these concerns, Modi's visit has received bipartisan support in the US, although some lawmakers have urged President Biden to address human rights concerns in his talks with Modi.

US-India Cooperation and Human Rights:

While Modi's human rights record has been criticized, experts believe that the US will continue to cooperate with India due to their shared concerns about China.

The US has been willing to set aside human rights issues in pursuit of strengthening ties with India.

This pragmatic approach reflects the prioritization of strategic interests over human rights considerations.

Some argue that India's central role in the US Asia strategy provides it with leverage and allows for divergence from US positions on certain issues.

By Summing Up:

The upcoming visit of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to the United States highlights the growing relationship between the two countries, driven by shared concerns about China's influence.

However, the celebratory state dinner in honor of Modi has drawn criticism from human rights groups, questioning the Biden administration's commitment to human rights and democracy.

As India's human rights record remains a contentious issue, the US appears willing to prioritize strategic cooperation over addressing these concerns.

The evolving dynamics between the US and India underscore the complex balance between realpolitik and human rights in international relations.

(Courtesy: Al-Jazeera)

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