Analysis of the US Indo-Pacific Strategy Under Biden


Analysis of the US Indo-Pacific Strategy Under Biden
Joe Biden
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Analysis of the US Strategy Under Biden for Free and Open Indo-Pacific Region

On February 11, 2022, the White House announced a new strategy for the Indo-Pacific region, focusing on regional connectivity, trade and investment, and strengthening partnerships.

This article analyzes the key priorities outlined in the strategy and examines the strategic dynamics between the United States, India, and China in the region.

Furthermore, it also discusses the differences and similarities between the current administration's approach and past U.S. policies in the Indo-Pacific.

Emphasis on Cooperation with Allies and Partners:

The Biden administration's Indo-Pacific strategy places a greater emphasis on cooperation with regional allies and partners compared to the previous administration.

By strengthening partnerships and engaging smaller nations, the strategy acknowledges the importance of collective action in addressing regional challenges.

Indo-Pacific Economic Framework:

A notable addition in the current strategy is the plan for an "Indo-Pacific Economic Framework," which aims to develop new approaches to trade that meet high labor and environmental standards.

This reflects a commitment to advancing economic cooperation while addressing concerns related to sustainability and fairness in trade practices.

Focus on Supporting India's Rise and Regional Leadership:

Similar to previous administrations, the Biden administration recognizes the significance of India's rise and regional leadership.

The strategy identifies strengthened Indo-US cooperation as a key line of efforts, alongside the expansion of the Quad partnership.

This alignment with Indian strategic priorities provides a solid foundation for Indo-U.S. cooperation in various areas.

Reception of the Strategy in India:

Indian officials are likely to welcome the new strategy, as it aligns with their strategic priorities and offers opportunities for collaboration in key areas such as global health, climate change, technology, and maritime security.

However, the prospect of U.S. sanctions over India's defense ties with Russia could complicate security ties in the near term.

China's Perception of India as a Strategic Competitor:

The 2020 border clash between China and India marked a shift in Chinese perceptions of India as a challenge to its strategic interests.

China now views India's alignment with the United States through the Quad partnership as a threat and attaches greater strategic significance to border disputes.

This could result in China taking actions aimed at improving its tactical advantage while diverting India's attention from broader geostrategic ambitions.

Implications for Regional and Global Security:

Border frictions between China and India are likely to play a larger role in shaping their bilateral relationship.

In addition, economic ties and multilateral cooperation have expanded while the border disputes have raised tensions and may limit the parameters of their relations.

The China-Russia strategic partnership further contributes to India's concerns along its borders, heightening the security implications for the region.

Prospects for De-escalation:

The prospects for meaningful de-escalation between China and India remain low.

Both countries are expected to continue deploying troops and enhancing infrastructure along the Line of Actual Control.

This increases the risk of rapid escalation during frontline clashes, raising the stakes for both sides and undermining the likelihood of peaceful resolution.


The White House's new strategy for a "free and open Indo-Pacific" builds on previous U.S. administration policies while placing a greater emphasis on cooperation with regional allies and partners.

Strengthening U.S.-India cooperation and addressing China's strategic perception of India are key priorities.

However, challenges such as resource allocation, domestic political considerations, and democratic backsliding in the region may impact the successful implementation of the strategy.

De-escalation between China and India remains uncertain, with tensions along the border posing implications for regional and global security.

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