Tensions Mount between Israel and Lebanon over Border Disputes


Tensions Mount between Israel and Lebanon over Border Disputes
Image Credit: Google, Al-Jazeera

Tensions Mount between Israel and Lebanon over Border Disputes

Adil Javed

Tensions between Israel and Lebanon have been escalating in recent months, with several incidents fueling concerns of a military escalation.

These tensions primarily revolve around the disputed areas of the divided village of Ghajar,

  • The Shebaa Farms, and
  • The Kfar Chouba Hills.

These places are located along the border between Lebanon and the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights.

This article discusses the background of the dispute, the current situation, and the latest developments in the region.

Historical Background:

Israel's occupation of the Golan Heights since 1967 forms the basis for the ongoing territorial dispute.

In 2000, Israel withdrew from southern Lebanon, as certified by the United Nations.

However, Lebanon disputed the withdrawal, claiming that the Shebaa Farms, part of the Syrian Golan Heights, was Lebanese territory.

This disagreement over the border traces back to the end of the French mandate in the region in the 1940s.

Furthermore, it is compounded by the challenge of determining the exact location of the border due to the presence of local farms.

Tensions and Recent Incidents:

Tensions heightened in June when Hezbollah which is a Lebanese Shia group, erected tents to shelter its soldiers on what they considered to be Israeli territory in the Shebaa Farms and the Kfar Chouba Hills.

Hezbollah accused Israel of constructing a wall on the Lebanese part of Ghajar, a village divided by the UN-drawn "Blue Line" border.

Due to the move, Israel lodged complaints with the UN, claiming that the Hezbollah tents violated the demarcation line.

Israeli Actions and Hezbollah's Response:

In response to the perceived threat posed by the Hezbollah tents, Israel stated that "suspects" attempted to sabotage the security fence it had built in the area.

This led to a recent flare-up between the two parties that resulted in Hezbollah members being wounded by Israeli fire.

Israel also launched a strike in southern Lebanon after an anti-tank missile, allegedly fired from Lebanese territory, exploded in the border area.

Hezbollah's leader, Hassan Nasrallah, addressed the situation where he asserted that the tent serves the interests of Hezbollah and Lebanon. He also warned Israel against taking action.

UNIFIL's Role and Diplomatic Efforts:

The United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) that is responsible for peacekeeping along the border, is investigating the recent incidents.

UNIFIL has called for a cessation of actions that could escalate tensions further.

Major General Aroldo Lázaro, who serves as the commander of UNIFIL, held meetings with Lebanon's caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati and Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri to discuss the situation.

Lebanese leaders emphasized the need for Israel to withdraw its troops from the Lebanese part of Ghajar.


The ongoing tensions between Israel and Lebanon stem from both the Israeli occupation of the Golan Heights and the pre-existing disagreement over the border between Lebanon and Syria.

Recent incidents, including the erection of Hezbollah tents and the alleged construction of a wall by Israel, have further exacerbated the situation.

Efforts by UNIFIL and diplomatic channels aim to ease tensions and prevent further escalation, but the unresolved territorial disputes continue to fuel the conflict between the two nations.

(Cortesy: Al-Jazeera)

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