Chinese Embassy Issues Warning To Germany: Huawei-ZTE Dilemma


Chinese Embassy Issues Warning To Germany: Huawei-ZTE Dilemma
Image Credit: Google

International tensions are on the rise as  Germany contemplates restricting the use of components from Chinese Tech giants Huawei and ZTE 5G Network.

The Chinese Embassy in Berlin has issued a stern warning by stating that China will not stand idly if Germany precedes with this decision without proving a security threat.

The statement was quoted from the email sent, “if the German Government really decides to move in this direction without proving that Chinese products pose a security threat to Germany, we will not stand by idly.”

The statement further added, “Should Germany unjustifiably exclude companies, this would not only be a violation of the Principle of fair competition, but would also harm Chinese companies and Germany itself.”

 Germany’s interior ministry has proposed restrictions after a review highlighted the country’s heavy reliance on these Chinese suppliers. The outcome of this debate significantly impact not only Germany’s 5G Network, but also international relations.

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