Deadliest Attack in Ukraine: A Grim Milestone in the Ongoing Conflict

Deadliest Attack in Ukraine: A Grim Milestone in the Ongoing Conflict


Deadliest Attack in Ukraine: A Grim Milestone in the Ongoing Conflict
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Ukraine has suffered deadliest attack since Russia has invaded more than a year ago. At least 51 people have been killed in the strike on the Hroza Village in the Kharkiv region.

According to Ukraine's Minister, around 60 people gathered at a funeral of soldier when the missile hit the area. 

The UN, United States and the European Union have condemned the attack.

Ukrainian President Vladmir Zelensky said, Russian forces shelled a shop and café in the village.

A local resident said, "centre service show a particular robot we came here when we heard the explosion and learnt what happened in Rosa."

According to another resident, Rosa is small village where 300 to 350 people live while many of the residents have left due to occupation. About 52 people have died and six are injured. There is one women among them died on her way to hospital.

According to reporter of Al-Jazeera, there is another reporter, Ravi who reported from Zaporizhzhya in Ukraine. “Ukrainian officials are calling this as an act of terror and evil act by the enemy against the civilian population. This is now being seen as the one of the worst attack since the Russian invasion.” He further stated that this happened due to Russian guided missile hit the Rosa.

(Courtesy: Al-Jazeera)

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