Justice Not Vengeance: Palestinian Ambassador at UN Spoke after a Surprise Attack

Justice Not Vengeance: Palestinian Ambassador at UN Spoke after a Surprise Attack
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In the recent tensions and war between Gaza and Israel, Palestinian UN Ambassador Riyad Mansour has delivered a pragmatic message to the international community.

His words resonate with the urgency of the situation, the suffering of his people, and the plea for a path to peace.

Let's discuss the key points he raised during his press brief at the United Nations.

The Cycle of Violence:

Mansour begins by highlighting a troubling pattern in media and political narratives: that history seems to start when Israelis are killed.

He underscores that Palestinians have endured years of hardship and have consistently warned the world about the consequences of Israeli impunity and international inaction.

"Regrettably, history for some media and politicians start when Israelis are killed. Our people have endured one deadly year after another. We came to the Security Council month after month. Warning of the consequences of Israeli impunity, and international inaction."

The Pursuit of Peace:

Despite the ongoing hardships, Mansour emphasizes that Palestinians have chosen the peaceful path, one advocated by the international community.

He implores Israel to consider this path, one that does not involve the loss of more lives. It's a call for change, a plea for a different course of action.

"Last October, about a year ago, we stated before the security council, the Palestinian people will be free one day or another, one way or another, we chose the peaceful way, the one international community advocates for, do not let Israel prove us wrong, for our sake and theirs’."

The Failed Strategy:

Mansour points out that Israel's repeated blockades and assaults on Gaza have not achieved their intended goals. Instead, they have inflicted suffering on the entire civilian population.

He insists that it's time for an immediate end to violence and bloodshed, the lifting of the blockade, and the exploration of a political solution.

"This is not the to let Israel on its terrible choices. This is a time to tell Israel that it needs to change the course, that there is a path to peace. Were neither Palestinians, nor Israelis are killed. But, it is the one directly opposed. Israel keep saying the blockage and repeated assaults on Gaza, or to destroy Hamas. Military capabilities and ensured security, clearly and expectedly its blockade and assaults accomplished neither." 

"The only thing that they accomplished was inflicting terrible sufferings on entire civilian population. It is time for an immediate end to the violence and the bloodshed. It’s the time to end this blockade, and to open a political horizon." 

A Plea for Restraint:

The ambassador warns against justifying further assaults, knowing that Israel may interpret it as a license to kill. He laments the rising death toll, particularly the innocent lives lost, including children and entire families.

The question he raises is whether such actions bring security or advance peace.

When Israel tries to justify yet another assault, by the same faulty premise, no one should say or do anything, to encourage it down this path.

"We know only two well that the messages about Israel’s right to defend itself will be interpreted by Israel as license to kill. To pursue the very path that has let us here, 317 is the number which is continuously rising by the moment, Palestinians that have killed already in one day, including children, some barely a few month old, entire family were killed in their sleep." 

The Call for International Protection:

Mansour stresses that Palestinians are entitled to international protection when the occupying power violates international law. He questions why there is inaction when Palestinians are killed and emphasizes the need for justice and accountability.

A Path to Peace:

He asserts that true peace cannot be achieved by entrenching oppression and occupation but by ending them. Mansour rejects the notion that Palestinians are subhuman and calls for the fulfillment of their right to self-determination as the only path to shared peace.

Addressing Root Causes:

Mansour reminds us that Israel cannot expect peace in exchange for waging a full-scale war. Instead, he advocates addressing the root causes of the conflict, signaling a desire for a more holistic and lasting solution.

Will this bring security? Will this advance peace?

Where is the international protection? The Palestinian people are entitled to when the occupying power violates international law. On harm those, who are obliged to protect.

Palestinians lives were saving, the innocent Palestinians were killed, their children killed in occupied Palestine could have been spared.

Why nothing have done when those who killed were Palestinians?

We should have to think hard, if this is about Palestinians then many Palestinians will feel that they have much to avenge.

If this is about Peace, then the way to it is not further entrenching, oppression, and occupation, but by ending it.  You cannot say, nothing justify killing Israelis, and then provide justification for killing Palestinians. “We are not sub-humans”. We are not a subhimans and we will never accept a rhetoric that denigrates,

The fulfilment of our right to self-determination, is the only path towards shared and peace.

Israel cannot wage a full scale war against Israel, expect peace in exchange. One needs to address the rout cause of the conflict.

We are calling for a different approach, “Justice not vengeance.” 


In conclusion, Riyad Mansour's address at the United Nations serves as a passionate plea for justice and peace in the midst of the Gaza-Israel conflict. He urges a different approach, one focused on justice rather than vengeance, and emphasizes that the path forward lies in acknowledging the rights and humanity of all parties involved. 

It is a call to action for the international community to work towards a resolution that brings an end to the suffering and paves the way for a more peaceful future in the region.

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