US Balancing Act: De-escalation in Middle East or Rock-Solid Support for Israel?


US Balancing Act: De-escalation in Middle East or Rock-Solid Support for Israel?
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US President, Joe Biden says his country’s support for Israel is rock-solid and unwavering. US Secretary of State is busy in engaging allies and important countries in from the Middle East including Saudi Arabia, UAE, Jorden, Egypt and Turkey.

Let us discuss the matter and response from within United States as Washington says it wants to de-escalate tensions in the Middle East but still its pledging support for Israel in the wake of this war:

According to John Hendren, the reporter of Al-Jazeera from Washington DC, across the political spectrum in the United States from the Democratic Mayor of New York to Republicans in Congress, to President Biden himself have expressed support for Israel and the Administration has been in focusing on de-escalation of the conflict and that is why Blinken is so busy in calling his counterparts, throughout in the Middle East and North Africa, trying to get them exercise their influence on Hamas to de-escalate this conflict.

He further states that Blinken had expected to be in Saudi Arabia and Israel later this month to negotiate a normalization pact between those two countries, and now that is on the back burner, turned into a crisis mode.

He said, Biden himself is no big fan of Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu as they have had differences, they are opposite ends of the political spectrum, they had disagreement over the settlements, but when this happened over the past 24 hours, Biden simply expressed unequivocal support.

In response to another question that if Biden has said about unwavering support for Israel in the wake of this war, does this mean more weapons and military support, Hendren said, many people across the spectrum of Washington are pressing a desire to do that but actually achieving it is much difficult, as there is chaos in the Congress right now. The matter shall have to be discussed in House of Representatives and Senate where two differing point of views already exist. So, all the three bodies including Biden Administration have to agree for this. This may take time.

However, if someone asks a clear answer that the US is going support militarily and through weapons, so in the long term its is probable but so far its no, he added. 

Also Read: 'We are Determined to Get Everything Israel Needs' Says Antony Blinken

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