'We are Determined to Get Everything Israel Needs' Says Antony Blinken


'We are Determined to Get Everything Israel Needs' Says Antony Blinken
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US Secretary of State Antony Blinken at an airport while heading towards Israel has stated that he is going with a very clear, and on behalf of the President of the United States and the American People that the US has Israel’s back when we have back of the Israeli people, we have their back today, we have it tomorrow, we will have it every day.

He further said, "we stand resolutely against terrorism, we have seen almost indescribable acts committed by Hamas against Israeli men, women and children. Every day, we are learning more, we will continue to stand by Israel."

He told that during his visit he will meet Prime Minister Netanyahu and President Herzog, other senior officials, and he will be looking embassy team at Israel.

He said, “We are determined to get everything Israel needs to defend itself.” To provide security to its people, as well as the military assistance requested by Israel is on its way, he continued.

He further said, “Secondly, we are reiterating and reaffirming the very strong message the President has delivered to any country, or any party, that might take advantage of the situation, and that message is [don’t].”

The President of United States, according to Blinken, has deployed world’s largest aircraft carrier group to the region to make it very clear about the intent of the United States to anyone who is contemplating any further aggression against Israel.

He stated at the end, “finally we are focused on out own people, our citizens as we lost 22 Americans, that the number could go still up, and probably will, and at the same time we have number of Americans unaccounted, we are working very closely with the Government of Israel to determine their whereabouts and if they are taken hostage by Hamas, so to secure their release.”

At the end, he said! “We Stand with Israel and we will continue to do so.”

(Courtesy: Al-Jazeera)

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