Janet Yellen Warns of US Default: Biden-McCarthy fresh Impasse amid Debt Ceiling Crisis

Janet Yellen Warns of US Default: Biden-McCarthy fresh Impasse amid Debt Ceiling Crisis
US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen
Image Credit: Google

Hidayatullah Nasr 

Political impasse between Biden and McCarthy persists after fresh talks. The Debt Ceiling has become the buzzword in the affairs of today’s American political economy particularly with the world keeping a keen watch on the matter. 

Debt Ceiling is the maximum amount of money that the United States can borrow cumulatively by issuing bonds. The debt ceiling was created under the Second Liberty Bond Act of 1917. It is also known as debt limit or statutory debt limit.

Some points to be noted:

  • According to the Act, if the level of national debt is increase by US Government against the ceiling amount, then the Treasury Department must resort to other extraordinary measures to pay governmental obligations and expenditures or to increasing the limit of ceiling.
  •  The debt ceiling has increased or suspended multiple times by the American Government to evade the worst-case scenario like default.
  • There have been numerous shutdowns over the debt ceiling and some of which have led to the government shutdowns.
  • Shutdowns are caused by the conflict between American Government and Congress, with the debt ceiling used as a leverage to push budgetary agendas.

Contemporary Scenario:

The 31.4 trillion debt ceiling has created a political impasse between the Government and Congress in which republican has regained majority after the recent congressional elections.

Republicans seeks to limit government spending by slashing social welfare programmes, but this claim is denied by many democrats in the government.

The Biden Administration has previously called for a “Clean and Clear” increase in the Debt Ceiling without any conditions attached.

The US President has also called on wealthy Americans and big corporations to pay their fair share of taxes to increase state revenue to address national debt crisis.

High Chances of US default by early June 2023:

The Treasury Secretary, Janet Yellen in a meeting at White House, issued a third letter to Congress in which she urged lagislators to act “as soon as possible”.

Yellen emphasised that “it is highly likely” that United States could begin to default by June 1.

She also warned that political impasse has already resulted in dire consequences as the US already seen a substantial increase in the Treasury’s borrow cost for securities maturing in early June.

 If the US Congress fails to increase the debt ceiling it would cost severe hardships for American families, harm its global leading position, and would also raise questions at its ability to defend national security interests.” She added further.

According to Economists, if the US Government defaults on its loans, there are possibilities that:

  • It could trigger a countrywide recession with global impacts.
  • It will drop US credit ratings.
  • It will cause higher interest rates and greater strain on economy at large.
  • The payments of Veterans, Social Security recipients, businesses reliant on governmental funds will be stopped or delayed.
Janet Yellen Warns of US Default: Biden-McCarthy fresh Impasse amid Debt Ceiling Crisis
Republican House Speaker Kevin McCarthy briefing media
Image Credit: Google

Negotiations to break Political Impasse:

United States President Joe Biden and Republican House Speaker Kevin McCarthy held meeting to discuss the debt ceiling issue that has threatened a default of American Economy.

The members from Biden’s and McCarthy’s camps sat to hammer out details.

Like its previous move, before Biden went to attend G-7 Summit; the tour that he shortened due to debt ceiling issue, McCarthy once again rejected the claim of “Clean” debt ceiling increase without attaching any conditions by saying that he will only increase the limit when the Government would curtail its spendings.

He also dismissed the possibility of curtailing defence spendings as well as authorising a short-term extension on debt ceiling.

“I don’t think short-term extension benefits anybody”. Because “Short term extension means that we have failed in what we were supposed to do”. McCarthy told the reporter as quoted Al-Jazeera.

(Courtesy: Al-Jazeera, Investopedia)

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