Rising Global Temperatures Intensify Heatwave Threats in India: Especially to Vulnerable Communities

Rising Global Temperatures Intensify Heatwave Threats in India: Especially to Vulnerable Communities
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India, the second most populated country in the world. It is facing the escalating challenges of recurring heatwaves, particularly in its capital city, New Delhi, including adjoining states Uttar Pradesh and Haryana.

 As temperatures soar above 45 degrees Celsius (113 degrees Fahrenheit). The effects of these heatwaves extend beyond discomfort, leading to severe health concerns and even fatalities. With climate change being identified as a significant driver behind the increasing frequency of heatwaves, it is crucial to address the vulnerabilities of the most affected communities and implement effective adaptation measures.


The Impact on Workers:

Mamta, a construction worker supporting her family, battles the extreme heat while her husband, due to health issues, is unable to work. The unrelenting heat becomes a daily struggle, resulting in fatigue, recurring headaches, and dehydration for Mamta and her colleagues.

Common issues associated with heatwaves include exhaustion, electrolyte imbalance, and kidney damage. Hospital emergencies related to heatstroke and fatigue witness a surge during heatwave episodes, particularly among those with chronic conditions, further highlighting the vulnerability of marginalized communities.


The Plight of the Poor:

The damaging impact of heatwaves is exacerbated for those living in poverty. Mohammad Salim Khan, a welder, faces the harsh reality of prolonged work hours in intense heat, with little respite at home.

In overcrowded lower-income localities. As temperatures rise, the poor suffer disproportionately, facing the brunt of extreme weather conditions without adequate support or resources.


Rising Global Temperatures:

Experts warn that heatwaves will persist and continue to disproportionately affect vulnerable communities unless urgent action is taken to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Aditi Mukherji, a climate change expert, emphasizes the need for a drastic reduction in emissions to limit the global temperature rise.

The latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report stresses the importance of achieving a 1.5-degree Celsius temperature rise limit by reducing carbon emissions by 45 to 50 percent by 2030.

However, global emissions have not decreased and have, in fact, increased in recent years, posing a significant challenge in mitigating the impacts of climate change.


Addressing the Crisis:

While some Indian cities have implemented heat action plans, their effectiveness remains questionable.

Inadequate implementation and exclusion of vulnerable communities in these plans have resulted in severe gaps. It is crucial for governments to prioritize the provision of relief measures, such as heat shelters, for vulnerable populations.

Additionally, better city planning, including the planting of trees to provide shade and improved housing infrastructure, can enhance adaptation strategies and alleviate the burden of heat stress, especially in disadvantaged neighbourhoods.



The recurring heatwaves in India's capital and the increasing vulnerability of its communities highlight the urgent need for comprehensive climate action.

The impacts of climate change are disproportionately affecting marginalized groups, emphasizing the importance of addressing social equity in adaptation measures.

It is imperative for governments, both in India and globally, to prioritize emissions reduction, invest in sustainable infrastructure, and implement inclusive policies that protect the most vulnerable populations from the adverse effects of heatwaves.

As India grapples with escalating heatwaves, it is clear that urgent and decisive action is needed to protect the most vulnerable communities.

The impacts of climate change, coupled with rising temperatures, pose significant challenges for the future.

By reducing greenhouse gas emissions, implementing effective heat action plans, and prioritizing the needs of marginalized communities, India can mitigate the adverse effects of heatwaves and build resilience in the face of a changing climate.

It is a collective responsibility to address this crisis and ensure a sustainable and equitable future for all.

(Courtesy: Al-Jazeera)

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