Artificial Intelligence Poses Risks Comparable to Pandemics and Nuclear War: Top AI Leaders Warn


Artificial Intelligence Poses Risks Comparable to Pandemics and Nuclear War: Top AI Leaders Warn
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In an unprecedented statement, CEOs and scientists from leading AI laboratories, including OpenAI's Sam Altman and DeepMind's Demis Hassabis, have collectively urged governments to prioritize addressing the potential dangers of artificial intelligence (AI).

Artificial intelligence could be as dangerous as nuclear war”. they have warned.

The statement, organized by the Center for AI Safety, emphasizes the need for immediate action and aims to highlight concerns regarding advanced AI technology.

The statement, signed by over 350 executives and researchers, calls for AI's risks to be treated as a global priority, alongside other significant global threats such as pandemics and nuclear war.

Urge to Establish International Body:

It also proposes the establishment of an international body. The body should be made like the patters of International Atomic Energy Agency(IAEA). The purpose of the body should be to manage and regulate AI technology effectively.

Discussing the gravity of the issue, Dan Hendrycks, the executive director of the Center for AI Safety, compares the situation to the cautionary warnings issued by atomic scientists about the very technologies.

Artificial Intelligence Poses Risks Comparable to Pandemics and Nuclear War: Top AI Leaders Warn
Image Credit: Google 

Threats of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the coming Decades:

According to Sam Altman, the existential risk posed by AI could materialize within the next decade, with AI software surpassing human experts in various domains.

These concerns extend to areas such as national security and "existential threats," which were discussed in a recent meeting between Altman, Hassabis, and Rishi Sunak, a British Prime Minister.

Artificial Intelligence Poses Risks Comparable to Pandemics and Nuclear War: Top AI Leaders Warn
Image Credit: Google

Calls for Global Action Similar to Pandemics and Nuclear War:

The meeting aims to unite the AI industry and present a cohesive front to policymakers as they grapple with the challenge of regulating AI.

This unity contrasts with a previous letter signed by Elon Musk and others, which called for a pause on AI development but received mixed responses and false signatures.

Amid the call for action, Altman's suggestion of potentially shutting down ChatGPT in the EU in response to forthcoming AI regulations from Brussels. The claim was retracted later.

In conclusion, the global AI community, through this joint statement, has underscored the urgent need for proactive measures to address the risks associated with AI.

By treating AI's potential threats as on par with pandemics and nuclear war, these industry leaders advocate for responsible AI development and effective global governance of this powerful technology.

(Courtesy: The Telegraph)

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