Australia reverses its Immigration Policy for New Zealanders to lessen decades long Tensions

Australia reverses its Immigration Policy for New Zealanders to lessen decades long Tensions
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Australia to reverse its immigration policy towards New Zealand in its efforts to normalize ties with an old friend. It was reported that hundreds of New Zealand’s citizens were about to take oath to become citizen of Australia making their way for dual citizenship. It was also noted that almost 700,000 citizens of New Zealand living in Australia will get benefit from the initiative.

Although, both the state described each other friends, but Australia has adopted a hard policy on New Zealanders from last few decades. It was difficult for them to attain citizenship and majority of them were deported in the new legal arrangements. This was enough for creating a rift between the allies.

However, under the new government, led by Anthony Albanese as Prime Minister, Australia took steps to address these issues.

The ceremony of citizenship held in Brisbane, Australia, where Chrish Hipkins, who is the Prime Minister of New Zealand, was quoted as saying that his presence was a sign of the “bonds that bind us all together”. And he was responded by Clare O’Neil who head foreign office of Australia, that “Our Kiwi cousins are our very best friends in the world.”

However, the sudden policy shift by Australian right-wing government in 2001 regarding migration and foreign relations remains the point of concern for New Zealand. Although, it was political move for internal gains but created tension between the two allies, Kiwis and Kangaroos.

Both the states have free trade linkages and shared military history, but they have different Foreign Policy domains. Like, Australia took side of the West while New Zealand opposed the American invasion of Iraq. Unlike Australia, New Zealand is nuclear free.

Similarly, Australia has developed a strategic and defense partnership with United States and Britain where it plans to build nuclear powered submarine raising serious concerns for New Zealand. It would also affect Treaty of Rarotonga that ensures the large area of Pacific Ocean as nuclear-free.

Foreign Minister of New Zealand also responded with the remarks that “Our concern is not to see the militarization of the Pacific.”

Australia along US term this move as a part of AUKUS that is formed to counter Chinese growing influence in the region.

(Courtesy: New York Times)

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