The Changing Geopolitical Dynamics and way out for Pakistan


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The time has come when transitional polarity is near to take its shape. Sino-Russian alliances, consisting of the world’s largely growing powers, is getting stronger. On the other hand, the cold war between US and its Western allies is deepening. The scenario became obvious after the recent secret leaks of documents in the US. Pakistan was also allegedly focused to withdraw policy appeasement towards US and its Western allies and shift its attention more towards China and Russia.

The Discord Leak that has become a buzzword, revealed by an American airmen quoted "Pakistan’s difficult Choices" where Foreign Minster of State for Pakistan, Ms Hina Rabbani Khar was arguing that the appeasing US would negatively impact Pakistan’s strategic ties with China. In addition, the country wont be able to maintain a middle group between US and China.  

Another leaked document reportedly revealed the discussion of Prime Minister of Pakistan, Shehbaz Sharif with his aide where the later was saying Sharif that supporting US backed resolution against Russian invasion of Ukraine at UN General Assembly would potentially undermine the upcoming trade and energy deals with Russia.

Keeping the scenario in mind it would be unwise for Pakistan to dislodge its efforts to maintain its ties with both Beijing and Washington. Pakistan should wisely maintain its bilateral relations with the both the states without having intent to impress anyone of them. Bloc politics has damaged the country’s prestige and interests so far. So, it should avoid pursuing of policy of appeasement as mentioned allegedly in the documents.

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There are multiple reasons that why Pakistan should adopt this policy of mutual trust and respect towards both US and China.

Firstly, the Foreign Policy dimensions of Pakistan suggest that the country should adopt a policy of friendliness and mutual respect with its neighbors, and China is Pakistan’s time-tested friend while the relations with United States are also important with regard to its strategic partnership with India, presence in Afghanistan, and as the key stakeholder in the institutions that bind Pakistan in one or the other agreement.

Secondly, the transition is getting obvious, American allies in the Middle East has ignored its pressure in the recent diplomatic arrangements with Beijing and Moscow. So, Pakistan unlike India should not repeat its policy of alignment with one bloc.

Thirdly, Pakistan has multiple plans with China in the future. Like CPEC, which has already delayed due to its internal political turmoil, raised many confusions in what to do in the changing geo-political and strategic environment.

Fourthly, Pakistan should adopt a neutral and individualistic foreign policy. Like India is the member of Quad with United States, that aims at containing China but on the other hand it refused to speak on Ukrainian issue, and expedited its defense and energy trade with Russia.

Fifthly, the foreign policy stakeholders in Pakistan should have foresight to examine which way the geopolitical, economic and security winds are blowing in order to act accordingly. 

The current geopolitical scenario appears to be more challenging than it was ever before but it brings multifaceted opportunities for Pakistan and all other developing countries to mend their ways.

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