Pakistan's Foreign Minister to attend SCO Conference in India


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Foreign Minister of Pakistan, Bilawal Bhutto Zardari will leave for Goa, India today to attend council of Foreign Ministers of Shanghai Cooperation Organization’s (SCO) member state hosted by New Delhi. This is going to be the first visit after Hina Rabbani Khar visited India in July, 2011 as the then Foreign Minister of Pakistan.

 Mixed emotions are being noted in India due Bilawal’s remarks against Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi for his alleged policy of communal violence and harsh treatment of minorities living in India, the Dawn has reported.

Foreign office in Pakistan issued a statement explaining the purpose of the visit that “Our participation in the meeting reflects Pakistan’s commitment to the SCO charter and processes and the importance that Pakistan accords to the region in its foreign policy priorities,”

Points to be noted before drawing Speculations:

·        It is already clarified from the sides that there will no bilateral meeting. However, an informal side-line meeting may take place.

·        Foreign Minister of Pakistan declared that there can be no serious dialogue between India unless abrogated of article 370 is not revoked.

·        According to Bilawal, he had not requested Prime Minister Narendra Modi for a meeting. The visit should not be taken as in improvement in Indo-Pak relations.

·        Bilawal emphasised that the visit is purely in context of the SCO in which Russia and China also member countries by further adding that India cannot isolate Pakistan.

·         Foreign Minister is expected to meet members of the friendly countries in the side-line meetings.

·        Ms Sudheendra Kulkarni from Indian media, was quoted as saying if someone thinks that this will be the resumption of dead relations between the two countries this can disappoint him. However, dialogue should be started despite of the current stalemate.

Another media person, V. Sudarshan said the “Arrival of Pakistani Foreign Minister in Goa, India, just five days remaining of the elections to be held in Karnataka, gives no succour to hopes of a bilateral breakthrough,”

(Courtesy: Dawn)

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