China-Central Asia Summit 2023: President Xi Unveiled Several Plans

China-Central Asia Summit 2023: President Xi Unveiled Several Plans
President Xi arrived to attend Summit. Image
Credit: Google

Sarmad Ali Khan

China hosted a two-day summit of Central Asian States on 18-19 May, 2013. It is the first ever summit of its kind China hosted since the start of this year. It is perceived as a counter response of China to US’s backed G-7 summit hosted by Japan in the same week.

Chinese leader Xi Jinping is rolling out the red carpet for Central Asian nations this week as Beijing attempts to expand its reach into a region that has long been regarded as Russia’s sphere of influence.” CNN reported.

China-Central Asia Summit 2023: President Xi Unveiled Several Plans
Leaders of Central Asian Nations receiving a Red-Carpet Welcome.
Image Credit: Google

The summit included the leaders of Kazakhstan, Kirghizstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. All the leaders received a warm welcome by Chinese Government.

Many issues were included in the agenda of the meeting, but its primary purpose was to secure greater political and economic cooperation between China and Central Asian states.

Kazakh President, Kassym Jomart Tukayev said to Chinese President upon his arrival at Xian, where the summit was scheduled that “We have a common goal: to intensify bilateral relations.”

The city of Xian was formerly known as Changan has its symbolic interpretations being the meeting point. It was the eastern starting point for the Silk route that was the ancient trade route connected China and Central Asia with Mediterranean.

Background of the Meeting:

China and Central Asia are vital partners from a very long time. Beijing had launched its trillion dollars project famously known as Chinese Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in Kazakhstan in 2013. China has spent billions of dollars on infrastructure and transportation in the region.

China and Central Asian States are key trading partners as well. They have conducted more than $28.4 Billion dollars in trade. The interdependence between the two has created more potential for cooperation. Central Asia depends on Chinese trade and investment while in return China is dependant on its resources.

There are several cities on China who are dependent upon gas pipelines from Turkmenistan and oil from Kazakhstan.

Furthermore, China aims at containing US dominance in region through establishing deeper connections with Central Asia. In addition, this would help in bringing peace in its far-Western region of Xinjiang and, also fill the void created by Russian invasion of Ukraine.

However, not all the Central Asian states are willing to participate in such moves. Some Muslim states in the region condemn Chinese Human rights violations of Uyghurs in Xinjiang. These states are also fearful from the Soviet invasion of Ukraine. So, they are not much happy with China because of Sino-Russian ties.

China-Central Asia Summit 2023: President Xi Unveiled Several Plans
Leaders of Central Asia Nations
Image Credit: Google

Purpose of the Summit:

  • China to show solidarity with Central Asian Countries in a summit that overlaps G-7 gathering
  • Building stronger trade infrastructure across Asia.
  • To intensify economic and political engagement in the region
  • To promote modernization of the six countries

Outcomes of the Meeting:

Chinese President announced in a brief after the meeting that we have an ambitious plans to help elevate Central Asia to the next level of its development.

This includes:

  • Revamping of developmental strategies.
  • China has upgraded investment agreements and announced to upgrade cross border trade volume in the region.
  • Revealed plans to encourage Chinese funded businesses in Central Asia to create more local jobs and to build oversees warehouses in the region.
  • It was decided that China will launch a special train service to promote cultural tourism within Central Asia.
  • It was announced that Beijing seeks deeper economic links and its quest for food and energy security.  The bilateral trade has already hit a record of $70 billion last year.
  • China called for increase in oil and gas trade,
  • China and Central Asia to develop energy cooperation across industrial chains and boost cooperation in Nuclear-Energy for peaceful use.
  • Agreement on expediting the construction of Line-D, China-Central Asia gas pipeline.

Concluding Remarks:

President Xi Jinping in his concluding remarks said, “China and Central Asian countries and closely linked like lips and teeth.”

Furthermore, China envisions a stable and well-connected Central Asia. this is the strategic cooperation envisioned by this generation of leader with an Eye on Future.

(Courtesy: Foreign Policy, CNN, Al-Jazeera, Japan Times, WION)


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