EU cancelled Europe Day diplomatic Reception due to Extremist Israeli Minister


EU cancelled Europe Day diplomatic Reception due to Extremist Israeli Minister
Image Credit: Google/Dawn

In an unexpected move by the European Union delegate in Israel, in which it has decided to cancel its Europe Day reception in Tel Aviv that was to be attended by Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir.

The government in Israel designated him to attend the ceremony. So, he stood firm to attend the ceremony, but news started emerging on the media about EU’s discontent over his representation.

Ben-Gvir was considered extremist minister who also have a background of provocative and stern remarks about Palestinians. He was also reportedly charged more than fifty times for hate speech and incitement to violence during his youth. He was also convicted in 2007 in one of the said cases of supporting a terrorist group and incitement of racism.

He is also known for his stance on which he advocated annexation of West Bank for several times. He lives in a Jewish settlement which are considered illegal under the eye of International Law.

European Union delegation to Israel said in statement that we would celebrate the Europe Day on the next day but we cannot offer a diplomatic reception to a person whose views and values contradict to those of which European Union stands for.

Ben-Gvir who is also head of the rightest Jewish Power party in Israel said that his government assigned him the task of representation of Israel at the occasion, that he accepted and for which he also planned a speech.

Ben-Gvir’s office issues a statement by saying that minister opined that Israel is a democracy and it uphold the right of opinion of any individual or group.

In the day later, EU again announced that they are calling off the diplomatic reception, but they will hold “cultural events for Israeli public” to celebrate “the constructive and strong bilateral relations.”

At this subsequent announcement by the EU, Gvir has lamented EU by terming it a hypocrisy. He used the word “undiplomatic and mouth-shutting”.

Lastly, Europe Day is the annual day to celebrate unity and peace. The Schumen Declaration of 1950 is commemorated on this day, that had marked the advent today’s 27 members European Union.

(Courtesy: Dawn/EU Twitter)

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