Af-Pak-China Trilateral Dialogue disucssed Comprehensive Plans of Action

Dialogue disucssed Comprehensive Plans of Action
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The trilateral dilogue amongst Foreign Ministers of China, Pakistan and Afghanistan has been carried out in Islamabad. All the countries reaffirmed their commitments to enhance trilateral cooperation in the fields of Politics, Economy and Security.

The dilogue was attended by:

  1. Mr. Bilalwal Bhutto Zardari, Foreign Minister of Pakistan. 
  2. Mr. Qin Gang, The State Councilor and Foreign Minister of China. 
  3. Mr. Amir Khan Muttaqi, Acting Foreign Minister of Afghanistan.

Major Outcomes of the Dialogue:

  • Enhancement of trilateral cooperation to strengthen Chinese Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)
  • Extension of China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) to Afghanistan 
  • All the parties agreed to utilize the potential of Afghanistan as a hub for regional connectivity. 
  • Emphasis was given to the ongoing projects like Trans-Afghan Railways, CASA 1000 and TAPI and their importance for regional connections and development. 
  • The parties recommended the need to develop "hard connectivity" for infrastructure and "soft connectivity" for norms and standards. 
  • The need to explore Trans-border movement, particularly in trade activities was highlighted. 
  • It was decided in the dialogue that transit-trade through Gwadar Port will be expedited. 
  • The states will prevent non state actors like Tehreek-e Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and East Turkistan Islamic Movement (ETIM) as well as non interference in internal matter will be ensured. 
  • All the parties acknowledged geo-strategic location of Afghanistan and, that its stability and prosperity is the prerequisite for regional peace. 
  • The parties also agreed on the point that cooperation can only be ensured by abiding the principles of mutual respect, collextive benifits, and equality. 
  • Security challenges pose serious threats to regional and International peace. So the parties agreed to cooperate on security matters like cross border smuggling, human trafficking and organized crimes. 
  • They called upon International community to strengthen bilateral and multilateral cooperation among the states by provision of relevant support. 
  • Three sides agreed to provide maximum support to enhance economic activities in Afghanistan to revive its economy. Stress was also given to proper and sutained Humanitarian support. 
  • Afghan minister repeatedly assured of women's rights protection and their education. The three agreed to urge International community to extend support to Afghan'n interim government. 
  • The ministers falicited the neighbors' efforts for ensuring peace, particularly Pakistan for hosting millions of Afghan refugees. 
  • At the end, all the parties reassured their commitments to extend cooperation at Director-General Level Practical Dialogue and continuing their efforts to keep good neighborly trilateral relationship. 

(Courtesy: Dawn) 


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