The Brighter Side: Why truce is necessary for Sudan?


The Brighter Side: Why truce is necessary for Sudan?
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In the last two decades, Sudan is known for political and military crisis. The country is also passing through a political-cum-military crisis erupted from 15th of April and transformed into a civil war.

There are several reasons as to why conflict in Sudan must be ended, whether by the urge from international community or the warring parties should conclude it by themselves.

Sudan is Important for regional peace:

The internal situation of Sudan effects the already restive region. Its stability plays a vital role for the regional peace and security. it is also important for countering terrorism, preventing illegal immigration and control of cross border crimes.

Sudan is important for economy and food security:

The resolution of crisis in Sudan will ultimately leads to achieving peace and stability in the region.

Sudan is rich country in terms of resources and opportunities. According to United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), Sudan has the potential to add its substantial contribution to achieve the goal of food security both in Africa and Arab world.

The issue like population growth, land degradation, climate change, soil erosion and urbanization transformed the food security a prime objective and concern for the stakeholders and the masses.

The eighteen states of Sudan, have a great potential to improve food security. So, investment in food sector can transform the whole state and provide employment opportunities for youth.

Mineral Resources:

Sudan is rich in mineral resources which are sought by global markets. The country has great deal of potential for renewable energy sources, especially solar. Here, it can also contribute a significant portion to deal with the quest for zero carbon.

Geographical Location of Sudan:

The geographical location of Sudan provides opportunity to the country to become transport hub and to ensure regional connectivity. There are many places in Sudan for tourists’ attractions. Tourism has the potential to revive its economy.


To help Sudan in this regard, needs a stronger commitment and firm resolve of both the warring factions as well as international community. So, the regional and international partners and stakeholders should come across to solve the issue in order to rehabilitate its economy. The resources of the country are sufficient to provide ample opportunities for investment to the regional and international players.

(Courtesy: Al-Jazeera)


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