China Allegedly Upgrades Intelligence Unit in Cuba as Part of its Global Strategic Program

China Allegedly Upgrades Intelligence Unit in Cuba as Part of its Global Strategic Program
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A senior US White House official has revealed that China has been operating an intelligence unit in Cuba for several years and enhanced it in 2019, as part of Beijing's global efforts to bolster its intelligence-gathering capabilities.

This statement follows recent reports by The Wall Street Journal, which disclosed a secret agreement between China and Cuba to establish an electronic eavesdropping facility on the island, approximately 160km (100 miles) from the southern US state of Florida.

China's Intelligence Upgrade in Cuba:

According to the senior US official, China's intelligence unit in Cuba has undergone an upgrade in 2019, as documented in intelligence records.

The move is part of China's broader strategy to strengthen its intelligence collection facilities worldwide.

The ongoing presence of the intelligence unit had been known to US authorities prior to the upgrade.

Denial and Accusations:

In response to the reports, a spokesperson from China's embassy in Washington, DC referred to a statement by the Chinese foreign ministry, accusing the US of spreading rumors and slander.

The spokesperson claimed that the US was the

"most powerful hacker empire in the world."

Meanwhile, the Cuban government dismissed the allegations a

"slanderous speculation,"

emphasizing their rejection of any foreign military presence in Latin America and the Caribbean.

US-China Tensions and Diplomatic Efforts:

The alleged Chinese spying activities from Cuba have come to light amid efforts to ease tensions between the US and China.

In February, a suspected Chinese high-altitude spy balloon crossed the US mainland, leading to its interception by the US military off the East Coast.

As part of diplomatic initiatives, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken is planning a trip to China on June 18, after initially canceling the visit due to the spy balloon incident.

US Response and Progress:

The current US administration acknowledges that the previous administration was aware of China's basing efforts in Cuba and made some attempts to address the issue.

However, the progress was deemed insufficient, leading to the adoption of a more direct approach.

US diplomats have engaged with governments considering hosting Chinese bases, exchanging information in an effort to slow down China's activities.

The official stated that the US believes China has not achieved its desired objectives in this regard.

However, in nutshell, China's upgrade of its intelligence unit in Cuba and the establishment of an electronic eavesdropping facility have raised concerns about China's global intelligence-gathering capabilities.

While China and Cuba deny the allegations, the US considers these developments a significant challenge and has taken diplomatic measures to address the situation.

The ongoing tensions between the US and China highlight the complexities of their relationship in the realm of intelligence and national security.

(Courtesy: Al-Jazeera)

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