Foreign Minister of Pakistan Discusses Relations: Neutrality on Ukraine and Regional Engagements

Foreign Minister of Pakistan Discusses Relations: Neutrality on Ukraine and Regional Engagements
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Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari has emphasized Pakistan's commitment to maintaining relations with all countries, including seeking enhanced engagement with the Russian government through deep meaningful ties.

He expressed these views during an interview with Al Jazeera TV, broadcast on Saturday.

Neutrality on Ukraine Conflict:

Bhutto-Zardari clarified that Pakistan aims to maintain neutrality regarding the Ukraine conflict.

The country does not align itself with any particular side in the ongoing conflict.

Expectations and Engagement with the New Rulers of Afghanistan:

After the fall of Kabul, the international community had high expectations from the new rulers.

Pakistan's position aligns with the global consensus, which emphasizes the importance of women's rights, including access to education, and the prevention of Afghan soil from being used for terrorist activities.

Bhutto-Zardari stated that engagement of the global community with the new rulers of Afghanistan is the most viable solution.

It is in everyone's interest to have a secure and prosperous Afghanistan that is at peace with itself and its neighbors.

The international community expects the current rulers to fulfill their commitments.

Security Threats from TTP:

Pakistan faces security threats from the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) terrorist organization.

After the Taliban's takeover in Afghanistan, various terrorist incidents occurred in Pakistan.

Islamabad expects the Afghan Taliban to take action against these terrorists and recently held a meeting with China and Afghanistan to address the threats of terrorism.

Upon Saudi Arabia-Iran Diplomatic Restoration:

Pakistan is working to strengthen ties with Iran through initiatives such as establishing a border market in Balochistan and exploring electricity transmission projects.

Bhutto-Zardari considers the restoration of diplomatic ties between Saudi Arabia and Iran as a positive development for the region.

Pakistan-China Relations and CPEC:

The foreign minister defended China's investments in Pakistan and refuted allegations of bias.

He highlighted the successful completion of energy and road infrastructure projects under the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and emphasized the positive impact of the partnership.

Democracy and Civilian Institutions:

Bhutto-Zardari acknowledged Pakistan's need for democratic progress and emphasized the importance of the army remaining apolitical and not intervening in politics.

He called for a change in the current scenario, where the army holds influence, and stated that strengthening democracy requires civilian institutions and parliament asserting themselves.

This, in turn, would gradually ease the military out of politics and lead to a stronger Pakistani democracy.

(Courtesy: Dawn)

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