Niger President Responded the Coup in Tweet

Niger President Responded the Coup in Tweet
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Niger's Democracy in Peril as President Ousted in Coup; International Outcry Ensues

Niger's President Mohamed Bazoum has vowed to protect the "hard-won gains" of democracy in the country, hours after being toppled in a coup led by members of his presidential guard in the capital, Niamey.

On the social platform X (formerly known as Twitter), Bazoum assured the nation that the progress made towards establishing democracy would be safeguarded. 

Tweet: "Les acquis obtenus de haute lutte seront sauvegardés.

Tous les nigériens épris de démocratie et de liberté y veilleront."

Translation: "The hard-won gains will be safeguarded. All Nigeriens who love democracy and freedom will ensure it."

Foreign Minister Hassoumi Massoudou also posted on X, calling on all democrats and patriots to resist this "perilous adventure."

Colonel Amadou Abdramane, spokesperson for the Nigerien army, announced on state TV that the security forces had taken this action due to the deteriorating security situation and alleged bad governance.

In response, Niger's borders were closed, a nationwide curfew declared, and all institutions of the republic suspended.

The military emphasized their intention to protect Bazoum's well-being and warned against any foreign intervention.

This military takeover marks the fifth coup in West Africa since 2020, raising concerns about the region's political stability and security cooperation with Western nations in addressing the ongoing conflict in the Sahel.

International leaders have responded with condemnation and calls for the immediate release of President Bazoum.

The German foreign ministry expressed "very great concern," stating that violence should never be used to enforce political or personal interests.

Similarly, the United States, together with other nations in the region and the world, condemned the coup and reaffirmed their support for Bazoum as the democratically elected president of Niger.

UN chief Antonio Guterres labeled the coup as "unconstitutional" and urged an end to actions undermining democratic principles.

President Bola Tinubu of Nigeria, who is also the chairman of the West African alliance ECOWAS, asserted that the regional bloc would resist any attempt to unseat Niger's government.

Benin's President Patrice Talon traveled to Niger to assess the situation, signaling regional concern over the political developments.

Niger’s Strategic Importance

Niger's strategic importance in counterterrorism efforts has also come into focus.

The country has been a crucial partner for Western nations in tackling the escalating conflict in the Sahel.

With over a thousand US military personnel currently in Niger conducting counterterrorism operations and training the Nigerien military, the coup poses questions about the efficacy of Western engagement and assistance in maintaining democratic stability in the region.

Niger shares borders with Burkina Faso and Mali, where armed groups such as the Islamic State in the Greater Sahara (ISGS) and al-Qaeda-affiliated Jama'at Nusrat al-Islam wal-Muslimin (JNIM) have vied for power through violence.

As one of the world's poorest countries, Niger remains at risk of further violence spillover from neighboring conflict zones, especially as armed groups gain ground following the withdrawal of European forces.

The events unfolding in Niger serve as a wake-up call for the international community, raising concerns about the fragility of democracy and regional security.

As leaders and stakeholders navigate this crisis, finding a peaceful resolution and restoring democratic governance will be paramount to preserving stability and addressing the broader security challenges in the Sahel.

In conclusion, the coup in Niger has sparked international outrage, with foreign leaders calling for the protection of democracy and the immediate release of President Bazoum.

The crisis not only poses challenges to security cooperation in the region but also raises questions about the effectiveness of international efforts to maintain democratic stability. 

As the situation unfolds, the focus remains on safeguarding democratic gains and finding a peaceful resolution to ensure the well-being of Niger and its people.


(Courtesy: Al-Jazeera)

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