Palestinian Attack on Israel: Ismail Haniyeh Calls for Arab and Muslim Unity


Palestinian Attack on Israel: Ismail Haniyeh Calls for Arab and Muslim Unity
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On 7th of October, Ismail Haniyeh, who is the Palestinian Politician and leader of political movement of Hamas, delivered a speech in the wake of attack on Israel. During his speech, Haniyeh called for Arabs and Muslim Nations’ unity in the war against Israel.

“Al-Aqsa typhoon started from Gaza and it will stretch to reach West Bank, 1948 Territories and our people across our territories, this is the battle of not only the Palestinians or the Gazans, it is the battle of all Arabs and Muslim Nations, simply for the reason that it is the battle for Palestine, it is the battle for Jerusalem, it is the battle for Al-Aqsa Mosque.”

Haniyeh, justified the recent attack as a response of Israeli occupation of their territories and ongoing violence of Israeli forces in Palestine.

In his speech, he openly challenged Israel while claiming that it is not a new issue while it traced back to the instalment of Israeli state in their territories back in 1948.

He stressed that this is not only the war of Palestine but Arabs and Muslims Nations are also part of this.

At the end, he clarified that this reason behind this attack is to retain Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque.

It remains to be seen whether Haniyeh's speech will lead to a change in the status quo. However, his speech is a reminder that the Palestinian cause is still very much alive and that there is still a strong desire for unity among many Arabs and Muslims.

Ismail Haniyeh Calls for Arab and Muslim Unity in Wake of Palestinian Attack on Israel

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