Nagorno-Karabakh: Ethnic cleansing or restoring sovereignty? A program, Upfront

In the Program, Upfront, the host Marc Lamont Hill has interviewed Elin Sleymanov, Azerbaijan’s Ambassador to United Kingdom.

Marc asked the question from Ambassador while stating that Azerbaijan’s military operations into Nagorno-Karabakh into the territory lead to a mass exodus of one hundred thousands people or more, almost the entire population of the territory according to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees. This is humanitarian crisis, who fled are suffering from severe malnutrition. A day after the incursion, the President Ilham Aliyev said his sources has punished the enemy. Who is the enemy here?

The Ambassador replied the enemies, definitely are the troops of Republic of Armenia who have stationed on the Azerbaijani territory. This has not just brought misery to the Azerbaijanis but also thousands of people of Armenia. The Armenian troops have cursed them into the conflict.

Watch this video from Al-Jazeera for further details:

 (Courtesy: Al-Jazeera)

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