Moscow hosts talks to rebuild Turkish-Syrian Ties

Moscow hosts talk to rebuild Turkish-Syrian Ties
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ANKARA: In order to rebuild ties between Turkiye and Syria that became tensed after the civil war erupted in Syria 12 years ago, defence ministers and intelligence chiefs of Russia, Syria, Turkiye and Iran held talks this week. Russia and Tukiye rendered the move constructive and meaningful.

Tukiye is the member of Nato. It has backed political and armed opposition to Syrian Civil War during the Presidentship of Bashar al-Assad. Turkiye also sent its troops in to North of Syria.

Syrian President, Bashar al-Asad is the main ally of Russia, and now in the new arrangements, it also takes more interest in Ankara. Therefore, it has encouraged Tukiye-Syrian reconciliation. However, Syria demands the full withdrawal of Turkish troops from its North before the start of negotiations.

During the talks, all the participants reaffirmed their resolve to preserve territorial integrity of Syria and stressed was given to the speedy efforts for normalization of ties between the two important countries.

It was also discussed that Turkish troops from the strategic M4 highway that paves that could bring revival of Syrian trade with the neighbouring countries, Syrian defence ministry stated.

The talks was also hosted by Russia between the defence ministers of both the rival states last year in December.
(Courtesy: Dawn)

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