Beijing and Moscow expressed Dismay over Biden-Yoon's Washington Declaration

Beijing and Moscow expressed Dismay over Biden-Yoon's "Washington Declaration
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China and Russia have expressed concerns over the “Washington Declaration” signed by the United States and South Korea earlier this week, with Beijing conveying its “strong dissatisfaction” to Seoul over the mention of “need for peace and stability” in the waters around Taiwan. a foreign ministry statement said on Friday.

A recent "Washington Declaration" signed by US and South Korea at the start of this week have created dismay in Eastern side. Responding to the move, both Russia and China has shown concerns and China expressed strong dissatisfaction to the leadership in Souh Korea as the later have indicated in Washington about the need for peace in waters around Taiwan. 

Director General in Chinese Foreign Ministry who looks after Asian affairs department discussed the matter with Kang Sang-wook who is Ambassador at Korean Embassy in Beijing. Liu Jinsong reiterated Chinese stance on Taiwan and urged him adhere to One-China principle. 

Similarly, Russian Foreign office issued statement by saying that the agreement announced in "Washington Declaration" would undermine peace and stability in the region. 

Background of the Statements:

President of South Koreaz Yoon Suk Yeol held talks with his counteraprt Joe Biden during his six days visit at Washington. The talks majorly covered the recent issues between China and Taiwan and subsequent Chinese military arrangements in the region. 

The two Presidents pressed China in a joint press brief by saying that they oppose any unilateral move to change status quo in Indo-Pacific, unlawful maritime claims, militarization of the region and also stressed on the need for peace in Waters across Taiwan. 

The Declaration adds; Furthering Cooperation in nuclear energy, and US will give Korea more insights in its nuclear planning. The agreement also aims at strengthening Korean's defence against the fast advancement DPRK's nuclear program. 

Russian Foreign Ministry have criticized the move on the grounds that this will spark arms race in the region and aims to grow US military presence in Asia-Pacific. It also termed the development clearly meant for destabilizing the regional security that will have impacts on Global Peace. (Courtesy: Dawn) 

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