Beijing Expelled Ottawa's Diplomat based in Shanghai Consulate General


Beijing Expelled Ottawa's Diplomat based in Shanghai Consulate General
Image Credit: Dawn

China and Canada are considered peaceful in their respective domains because of their policy of “first peace, then aggression”. But both remained at odds with each other for years due to their commitments to their respective blocs.

In a recent move, China has announced that it is expelling the counsel at Consulate General of Canada in Shanghai.

It is a tit for tat move after Canadian announcement of sending back Chinese diplomat accused of intimidating their lawmaker.

This has created a fresh diplomatic tension between the two countries having different economic and political ideologies.


Canadian Stance: Chinese intelligence had planned an assault on Canadian Lawmaker and over his relatives residing at Hong Kong because they had sponsored a legislative motion to condemn Chinese atrocities in Xinjiang region.

Chinese Stance: China angered by the Canadian move to expel its Diplomat.

Statements of ouster by the Stakeholders:

Foreign Minister of Canada, Melanie Joly was quoted as saying that Zhao Wei, who is a Chinese Diplomat based in Toronto would have to leave the country because of his alleged role in the scheme of intimidating our lawmaker.

In response, Chinese Foreign Ministry office by condemning the move ordered Canadian consul Jennifer Lynn Lalonde to leave the country by Saturday, May 13, 2023.

 (Courtesy: Dawn/AFP)

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