Iraqi PM Historic Visit to Syria: Strengthening Bilateral Ties Amid Regional Challenges


Iraqi PM Historic Visit to Syria: Strengthening Bilateral Ties Amid Regional Challenges
Iraq's PM and Syrian President
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Iraqi PM Historic Visit to Syria: Strengthening Bilateral Ties Amid Regional Challenges

In a significant move, Iraq's Prime Minister, Mohammed Shia al-Sudani, visited Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in Damascus, marking the first such visit since the 12-year conflict began in Syria.

The meeting reflects the enduring ties between Iraq and Syria, despite regional upheavals and international isolation.

This article explores the key points of discussion during the meeting and their implications for both countries' domestic and regional challenges.

1. Strong Historical Ties and Ongoing Cooperation

Iraq and Syria have shared close relations over the years, maintaining their partnership even as other Arab countries withdrew their ambassadors from Damascus and Syria's membership in the Arab League was suspended in 2011.

Both leaders reaffirmed their commitment to further enhance bilateral cooperation, particularly in the fight against cross-border drug trafficking and terrorism.

2. Addressing the Refugee Crisis and Ensuring Safe Returns

With Syria's conflict causing immense human suffering, Iraq has played a crucial role in hosting around 250,000 Syrian refugees.

Prime Minister al-Sudani expressed Iraq's commitment to work with the Syrian government to ensure a safe and voluntary return of refugees to their homeland once stability is restored.

This commitment underscores Iraq's willingness to assist in resolving the humanitarian crisis in Syria.

3. Water Shortages and Drought Mitigation

Both nations discussed water shortages in the Euphrates River, a vital resource that flows through both countries.

Upstream damming by Turkey has exacerbated the issue, leading to drought conditions in the region.

The leaders emphasized the need for cooperation to ensure fair water distribution and combat the adverse effects of climate change, an essential step in preserving their shared natural resources.

4. Fighting the Impact of Terrorism and ISIL's Defeat

Iraq and Syria have faced immense challenges from terrorism, most notably the rise of the Islamic State (ISIL).

The defeat of ISIL in both countries was a significant achievement, and now, with the group weakened, the leaders aim to bolster their joint efforts in combating terrorism, further solidifying their security partnership.

5. Regional Implications and Iran's Influence

The 600km-long (373-mile) border between Iraq and Syria underscores their strategic proximity.

Iran's influence in both countries plays a crucial role in shaping regional dynamics, and this visit could signal deeper regional cooperation between Iraq, Syria, and Iran.

6. Ending Syria's Isolation and Rejoining the Arab League

Syria's recent reinstatement to the Arab League marked a significant step in ending its isolation in the region.

The meeting between the Iraqi and Syrian leaders signifies Iraq's support for Syria's reintegration into the Arab fold and its efforts to rally international support for lifting punitive Western sanctions on Syria.

Analysis and Recommendations

    1.    Strengthening Bilateral Cooperation:

The meeting between Iraq's Prime Minister and Syrian President signifies a significant step towards strengthening bilateral ties.

By prioritizing cooperation on cross-border drug trafficking, fighting terrorism, and addressing water shortages, both countries can work together to enhance regional stability and security.

Continued engagement and diplomatic dialogue will be essential in further solidifying their partnership.

    2.    Humanitarian Crisis and Refugee Return:

As Syria's conflict continues to have far-reaching humanitarian consequences, Iraq's commitment to facilitating the safe and voluntary return of Syrian refugees is commendable.

However, both nations must ensure that conditions in Syria are genuinely stable and conducive to repatriation.

Collaboration with the international community and regional organizations will be crucial in providing support for the return process and ensuring the well-being of returning refugees.

    3.    Water Resource Management:

The discussions on water shortages in the Euphrates River highlight the importance of sustainable water resource management.

Both Iraq and Syria, along with Turkey, must engage in constructive dialogue to find equitable solutions to water distribution challenges.

International organizations and regional actors can play a facilitating role in these negotiations to ensure fair and effective water management.

    4.    Regional Stability and Counterterrorism Efforts:

The joint commitment to fighting terrorism is of utmost importance, especially considering the defeat of ISIL in both countries.

Strengthening intelligence-sharing mechanisms and coordination in border security will be critical in preventing the resurgence of extremist groups.

Moreover, regional partners can work together to address the underlying grievances and socioeconomic factors that contribute to the radicalization of vulnerable populations.

    5.    Regional Integration and Diplomacy:

Iraq's support for Syria's reinstatement to the Arab League reflects the potential for regional integration and cooperation.

Both countries can utilize their diplomatic influence to foster dialogue and rapprochement with other Arab nations, thereby further breaking Syria's isolation and enhancing its role in regional affairs.

    6.    Managing Iran's Influence:

Given Iran's significant influence in both Iraq and Syria, managing this influence responsibly will be essential in maintaining regional stability.

It is crucial for both countries to balance their relationships with Iran while safeguarding their sovereignty and national interests.

Engaging in constructive regional dialogue can help address concerns and build confidence among neighboring countries.

(Courtesy: Al-Jazeera

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